I am a 5th year PhD student at HCI Lab in KAIST, working with professor Geehyuk Lee. My research focuses on understanding human eye behaviors and improving user interactions related to gaze and vision. Aside from this primary interest, I've also researched broader topics like haptics and text entry.

Selected Publications

QuadStretcher: A Forearm-Worn Skin Stretch Display for Bare-Hand Interaction in AR/VR

CHI 2024: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Taejun Kim, Youngbo Shim, YoungIn Kim, Sunbum Kim, Jaeyeon Lee, Geehyuk Lee

Paper | DOI | Video | Code & Open Hardware

STAR: Smartphone-Analogous Typing in Augmented Reality

UIST 2023: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology

Taejun Kim, Amy Karlson, Aakar Gupta, Tovi Grossman, Jason Wu, Parastoo Abtahi, Christopher Collins, Michael Glueck, Hemant Bhaskar Surale

Paper | DOI | Video

Lattice Menu: A Low-Error Gaze-Based Marking Menu Utilizing Target-Assisted Gaze Gestures on a Lattice of Visual Anchors

CHI 2022: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Taejun Kim, Auejin Ham, Sunggeun Ahn, Geehyuk Lee

Paper | DOI | Video | Code | Project

Heterogeneous Stroke: Using Unique Vibration Cues to Improve the Wrist-Worn Spatiotemporal Tactile Display

CHI 2021: ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Taejun Kim, Youngbo Aram Shim, Geehyuk Lee

Paper | DOI | Video | Code

Professional Experience

Meta Reality Labs Research, Jun 2022 - Dec 2022

Ph.D. Research Intern

Awards & Honor

CHI '22 Best Demo Award, May 2022

Demonstrating “QuadStretch: A Forearm-wearable Multi-dimensional Skin Stretch Display for Immersive VR Haptic Feedback”

Outstanding Master's Thesis Award, KAIST School of Computing, Feb 2021

Thesis title: "Improving Recognition Accuracy of Wrist-Worn Spatiotemporal Tactile Display using Heterogeneous Vibrotactile Stimuli"

Invited Talks

Interface Control with Eye Movement, Mar 2023

High-Beams seminar series, University College London

Interface Control with Eye Movement, Nov 2022

Stanford HCI Lunch, Stanford University

Interface Control with Eye Movement, Nov 2022

DGP Lab, University of Toronto

Academic Service

Reviewer (19)

CHI 2024*

UIST 2024*

CHI LBW 2024*

MobileHCI 2024

ISS 2024

WHC 2023*


ETRA Short Papers 2023, 2024

*Special recognition for outstanding reviews